
Sakura rock - forge of empires
Sakura rock - forge of empires

sakura rock - forge of empires

We are happy to improve younger players and learn from them in the future as well.įeel free if you find errors, typos, or problems with sentence structure. We hold the largest FP income for a guild of all guilds on all en world possibly the largest daily income of all guilds in all servers. We hold 10 largest GBs, and +/-90 of top100 highest GBs on en7. We are the leaders of the largest guild on en by points and fights. Who wrote this guide? People who run 5 years top1 guild. However, this guide answers the common problem “I progress so slow….” You might not agree with some information in this guide based on your game style. This guide gives specific instructions on building competitive account that will support competitive guild.

sakura rock - forge of empires

Your city might look beautiful, you may want to have all GBs, you may want to have impenetrable city defense, or you might want to have only newest age buildings. We believe we can train you earlier before you join us! Of course we will keep our most important secrets that secure our position, but we want community members to learn if they wish. This is a guide for an advanced player who would like to turn into expert and optimize all aspects of the game. We wanted to make a comprehensive list of items that need to be addressed at this level. It is very often simple repetitive items that people miss. Many players come to Lords of War on en7 with poor understanding of the game and heavily opinionated for the level of their application. There are so many opinions of what you should do in the game and what you should not do. Please note that this guide is up to date to mid Oceanic Future and one powerful GB or new feature can flip entire guide upside down like Arc or GE did in the past. CHAPTER 11 – Review of high efficiency FPs mining

Sakura rock - forge of empires