
Fallout 76 how to build a shelter
Fallout 76 how to build a shelter

fallout 76 how to build a shelter

become wanted because something finally breaks or 2. I can stand there and drop mininukes on your camp but will eventually 1. So it looked & sounded like another player used a fat man on my camp.

fallout 76 how to build a shelter

When I returned to my computer I heard a loud explosion and flames on the camp walls and I saw a player not too far away. Originally posted by Outlier:No, my camp was not in a nuke zone. Mole Rats and Radscorpions are also extremely dangerous to CAMPs because they can burrow and attack areas that are outside of turret sight i.e. Most likely, your CAMP was in a nuke zone or it got raided by nasty monsters. the camps that lure players with vending machines and then try to kill them with traps so they can steal their junk). I do that to Trap Camps whenever I find one (i.e. Also, players can still drop nukes and destroy your camp as well. As Omega mentioned, they can still lure monsters into your CAMP.

fallout 76 how to build a shelter

Some still find a few ways around it, but most are use other methods. They turned off splash damage because it was being used to grief players outside of pvp. Originally posted by Outlier:So any player can come to your camp with a fat man, nuke it, and destroy it? If we know which player it is, is there any way we can block him? Or do we just have to go to another server?

Fallout 76 how to build a shelter