
Ebook reader crack
Ebook reader crack

ebook reader crack

Thanks to a satin finish to the screen, it even copes well in direct sunlight, as the (non-touch) Sony Readers do, and it has the standard 800 x 600-pixel resolution. If there is enough light to read a normal book, there is enough light to read the Cool-er. There's no backlight as it uses an E Ink display - par for the course for these devices - so reading the screen is like reading a book, with the eye strain associated with backlit displays.

ebook reader crack

The Cool-er will apparently last up to 8000 screen refreshes before needing charging via the USB port. Unfortunately, it's not just the construction material that's at fault - the main directional pad - used for selecting pages, menu items or playing the built-in Soduku is really not very nice to use - feeling cheap and poorly constructed - which is a little how the Cool-er looks.

Ebook reader crack